It was great riding with so many Red white and blue shirts and having people 'holla' when the Mules cycled past. The perceived problem of transporting my bike on a plane did not pan out. It was simple, my bike arrived how Id packed it and I would recommend it to all.

We managed to get set in a number of Chain gangs and even did some pulling. Although the course is relatively benign there are a number of annoying hills in the first section which did there best to shake me out of Rhythm and send my hearty rate into the 170's.
We eventually finished in just under 6 hrs. 5hrs 58 mins to be precise.

High with a post event rush yet sombre in realisation that this was our last formal ride of the year. It had been a great one.
6 century rides (including the Hottest one in recorded history)
112 mile race
24 hour ride
Coast to coast
A sack load of money for charity
Lots of laughs, smiles and tears.
In order to cheer ourselves up we turned our attention to Next Year.
Before the endorphins had left our bodies they had surely influenced our discussions.
Flat out in the Fens?
Of course........
Big G?
That was a real ****ker....
Exactly....... and we should aim to get Silver standard
Mmmmmmmmm.........you mean shave an hour or so off?
Yes....we will just have to train harder
Ok.............I Guess so
What about Coast to Coast again?
Again .........Boring ....... we have done that.......
Not in one day we havent...........(Belly laugh) that a real challenge)
I see.....ok Im in
Ok then lets do a triathlon as well
You mean run and swim as well as cycle?
Thats what they usually do in a triathlon. You cant Ride, drink and sleep. Thats just your life and does not count.
But you would look ridiculous in a Tri Suit.......
I wont by the time I have to wear one
I didn't know you can run
I cant...not with my new 'one pack'
or swim.
Cant do that much either although I can do 63 different variations of the Doggy paddle.
So you will come last !!!!!!!
(Big Smile) No I wont, ill beat you
Ha ha
The fear of me beating you will push You on, the fear of coming last will do the same for me.
Are you serious????????
When its posted on my blog as an event I am entering there is no backing down.
So you can take a Mule to water and Make him Swim
You bet you can.........As soon as the dates are published Im entering.

To start off I am joyed to introduce three new Mules to the stable
Greg Macarelli (USA)

One of the elder statesmen who belies his age with a fitness and cycling ability that somebody half his age would be proud of.
Shawn Chmil (Canada)

Powerful rider who can spin the big rings all day and is often pulling the pack.
Christian Clark (USA)

Wooh....that is an interesting experience.. Good luck guyzzz...
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